Now a days if you can't imagine your life without social media,that's sign that you've fallen a victim to the evil power of social networking.It also means that you've experienced one or more than one of the negative effect of social media.

How Social media is Bad for us.

Let see the darker side of the impact of social media in our life and how it is bad for us. You'll surprised to see the negative effect of the social media are both mental amnd physical.It will change your perception of the world and yourself, and not always for the better.

Let see some negative impact of social media....

1.General Addiction

Social media is often described as being more addictive than alcohol and ciggarettes,etc.Social media apps being facebook,instagram,snapchat,etc.when it comes to addiction.
Don't know if you are addicted to your social network? Think when was the last time you open your social media apps.


Do you spend more than two hours in a day on social media? Spending too much time on social media could adversely affect your mood.In fact you are more likely to report poor mental health.


Before social media,bullying was something only done face to face. However,now,someone can be bulled online everyone knows what cyberbullying is,and also what it can do to a person.
While social media made making friend easier,it also made easier for predator to find vitims.
These online attacks often leave deep mental scars and even drive people to suicide in some case.

4.Unrealistic Expectations

This one probably comes as no surprise,but social media helps you to form unrealistic expectations of life and friendship.The network that do it most are facebook,instagram,snapchat.Those are the social media platforms that severely lack online authencity.

5.FOMO(Fear of missing Out)

It is phenomenon that is most common nagative effect of social media.It is basically a form og anxiety that you get when you are scared of missing out on a positive experience or emotions that someone else is getting.This fear is constatly fueled by your social media engagement.

 6.Unhealty Sleep Patterns

On top of increased rates of anxiety and depression,spending too much time on social media can lead to poor sleep.Numerous studies have shown that increased use of social media has  neagtive effect on your sleep quality.

Is It Time To Quit.......????

As with everyone else,social media brings both good and bad things into our lives.At the end of the day,you're the one who decides whether there's more help or harm in it for you.
Maybe all you need is find the the right site for you.Perhaps swithing from facebook to twitter os instagram to youtube.Or maybe you're done with all of them together and are ready to delete your entire social media presence for good.    
                         FROM EACH OTHER.


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